This file explains the rulebooks provided in the GameMaster Users Kit. Most of the rulebooks are self apparent and won't need explanation.
Author : Rhys Hollow (
This is the standard game of Othello. It can play locally or remotely.
Connect 4
Author : Rhys Hollow
This is the standard game of Connect 4. Players take turns dropping pieces into the board. The first to get 4 in a row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins. It can play locally or remotely.
Author : Rhys Hollow
This is the classic game of BattleShips, perfectly suited for playing remotely on computer. It can only play remotely, and doesn't allow games to be saved. (sorry)
Author : Quinn "The Eskimo" (
Can play both locally and remotely.
Author : Quinn
Simple game of naughts and crosses. Provided mainly as an example. Can play both locally and remotely.
Author : Peter N Lewis (
A real time game for two players. Each player gets one half of the board (if the game is being played remotely, both players get the left board). The aim of the game is to clear your board of pipes. A ball rolls along the pipes of each player's board, erasing them as it goes. The pipes are on squares that can be moved about like the Macintosh Puzzle program. If the ball moves off one square and cannot move into another pipe, it is destroyed, and the player loses a life. The ball then reappears on the other players board, leaving him with two to deal with. The two boards are connected horizontally by unerasable pipes. The ball is not allowed to wrap vertically until the wrap count (given at the bottom of the board) is zero.
Can be played both locally and remotely.
Play it. It's hard to explain. Send any queries to Pete.
Author : Peter Lewis
A game of wits and strategy. (Isn't that what a "game" is?) Each player takes turns in placing a line on a grid of points. If the line forms a square with the other lines on the grid, then the square is filled in with the colour of that player, and the player gets to move again. Aim: fill up over half of the grid with your colour.
Can be played both locally and remotely.
Global Thermonuclear War
Author : Peter Lewis
An amusing rulebook, yet profound at the same time :-) Connect to someone and play Global Thermonuclear War. You'll be surprised at the number of times you'll play it. (Written shortly after watching the movie WarGames)
Can be played both locally and remotely.
Simple Talk
Author : Peter Lewis
Almost a direct copy of the *nix talk program. Chat to someone while playing chess or battleships. Best used remotely.
File Transfer
Author : Peter Lewis
Interesting file transfer program. A very boring game, and a very slow file transfer program. Demonstrates non-game uses for GameMaster.